long binh vietnam and agent orange

We used to race the big forklifts around the army depot. Please contact me ASAP. Remember tet very well. Some time in early 68 they transferred 20 of us to the 26th Group, 57th Trans Battalion. Our units mission was to provide direct support to the 1st Infantry Division. It went on for awhile dont know what they were firing at. My Vietnamese girl friend was Nguyen Thi Hanh. then to home Ft Lewis Washington. I remember that LBJ referred to the stockade and not to the post. FOOD.. WAS THEIR FOR THE TET HOLIDAYS..DROVE 20,00O MILES WHILE ON CONVOYS DAILY.I REMEMBER THE CONVOY BEING AMBUSHED TO TAY NINH..TWO FROM OUR UNIT WAS CAPTURED.. SEEN MANY VC DEAD BODIES ALONG MY TRAVELS TO DIFF. ,1971 Stars and Stripes reported 900 dead at FB6. The first few days in country we ate our meals inside the Long Binh Jail. Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide used by U.S. military forces during the Vietnam War to eliminate forest cover and crops for North Vietnamese and Viet Cong I was in the 43rd Engineers DT.We had a civilian company that our whole battalion worked with which was RMW&LBJ out of San Francisco. My memories of my time there The war did change himbut we have soldiered on together. My late father, retired Lt. Col. Frederick van Nus served in Long Binh in 1971-1972 as head of the Optometric Division and drove a jeep that was labelled, Mr. Across the street were the mess halls, directly across the street was the officer mess. Ran convoys in support of ARVN north of Saigon. The big generators were located behind our tent. Would drive down to Vung Tau as we had a Field office there & fly down to Can Tho..the drove to Vung Thu got interesting a few times I was the scrounger for our group Air Conditioners for Tent Office We built a bar at the MP main gate would drive down to Port of Saigon in Duece 1/2 and come back with a Pallet of Beer. Long Binh July 66-67, HHQ 48th Transportation Group, TC Hill. In the 1969 ,Tet attack I was in A co.of 92nd engineers and was at the scene of the main attack which was in the area of the fuel storage tanks. of Replacement Operations. I was in the 259th Replacement Company as a 1st Lt in August 67 to August 68. I was at long bein ,last bob hope show, incredible singing ol holy night with trained killers . One of the funniest daily scenes was the clap line at the dispensary! I was in long Binh with the 556 transportation co.from Oct.66-Oct.67 we hauled jp-4 and sometimes ammo.When I arrived we lived in tents,while I was there they blew the ammo dump twice. It was quite hectic during that time. I was also his driver and would pick him up and return him to his quarters every day. I was thee during Tet Offensive. My hooch was straight across the street from Long Binh Jail (LBJ), and diagonally across the street from 24th Medical Evac. The blast blew me off of the chair I was sitting on and slammed me to the floor. each hooch. I then was moved to some trailers in what was called COM Center Company Area. This in response to comment #154, Gary Burkholder, I remember you and the name of your 10 Tractor, I believe it was a gasser. Was moved to Long Bing from Camp Richard M Davies, near Saigon, about 3/4 into my tour in 68/69. Just seen you post. I lived with the pilots from the 45th Dust Off unit. This blog is governed by the general rules of respectful civil discourse. i served with usarv jag from june 1967 to april 1968. the greater part of which was at long binh. Did involve processing $ US payments to Vietnamese for a program I later heard called Phuc Wong(spelling phonetic). The Quartermaster Graves Registration folks from Long Bihn came and recovered all the burn victims. Fortunately, no explosion occcured. I was with USARV Headquarters and was the personal clerk for Kenneth Holmes who was the Chief of the personnel division. Lots of guests in there at all times. Went to Clerk School for 2 weeks. He served as Chief Company Clerk in the 580 telephones operations company of the 44th signal battalion. I want to publicly thank the MPs who accompanied us day and night on trips to and from Bien Hoa.My Company Commander, interestingly enough, was named was G.I Stanley. Hope you read my book VIETNAM CONVOY TRUCKER and/or watch our units DVD TROXLERS TRUCKERS, MEMORIES OF VIETNAM. The battalion was being prepared for its operational commitment in Vietnam. The wire near Main Gate. He asked who was shooting off their weapons, but nobody admitted to it, so he began sniffing the gun barrels and caught a few guys. If you remember that large storage yard in the back, one of my duties was to issue out the cartons or c-rations. Brave determined fighters : we were. Worked in Bn HQ (Feb-Dec 68) Worked at Gen Tel and Verizon for 43 years. From there 5 of us were sent to the 66th. It was pretty wild. Five of us were sent on to the 66th.

Arrived LB Dec 67, assigned to A co 44th Sig Bn. The content of all comments is released into the public domain unless clearly stated otherwise. The attack came from the other side of the base. BASESNOT A PRETTY SITE.. Went back to Nam in 1994 while living and working in Singapore. The Board of Pardons sent him back. Dozers were pushing the perimeter back and barbwire was going up. Searched at home for work but not many opportunities for a returning Nam Vet. Per the request of many, a Long Binh Facebook group is available for all to join: Long Binh Junction Group on Facebook. Want to say to all that served there, THANKS MEN and WELCOME HOME!! I served at Long Binh from November 1967 to August 1968. He was from WV and still is. Then, after 10 days rest and recovery with a thousand other recovering wounded GIs on the beaches at the 6th Convalescence Center Hospital, where I pulled late night perimeter tower guard duty since the hospital had been bombed by the VC, I returned to duty at SEASS. and Estes in-charge while there. I was then put into service as a jeep driver and flight crew member to take/accompany them wherever they wanted to go. I worked 12 hours a day, 7 days a week coordinating in-country and out of country aeromedical evacuation. Used to spend time sitting on the perimeter at night watching the fun ships work. I thought it was very creative. Ended up grabbing our old M14s, yes M14s as we didnt get the 16s. Its worth it as if your brother wins, hell get compensation on a monthly bases. I left about 45 days after that and dont remember much after that. That is all I remember of LBJ. My father stationed in Long Bnh Vietnam. (All Purpose tents) Hooches and pulled guard.

I was in Long Binh from july 1968 to july 1969, assigned to 23rd Artillery Group personnel section, attached to Service Battery 6/27 Artillery. I would sit in the back of the truck with my M16 and make sure no one tossed a grenade or a Molotov cocktail in as we rode up and down US 1. I was station at Long Bihn in the 556th Trans Co. (Petro Main) We were in what we called Tanker Valley because fuel was all we hauled. bill for Theater but remained in Food Service for 41 years before retirement.Funny thing, I was never able to talk about Nam until I came upon this page. That project was outside the mainstream supply activity of Long Binh, and we later found out we were prepping 1st Cav for their action in Cambodia. I was stationed at Long Binh, from 11/28/1966 to 4/7/1967 with D/87TH Infantry ,providing security to the RMK Quarry etc .I liked the assignment ,got to visit Bien Hoa occasionally .I was on watch early one morning at the RMK Quarry when VC Sappers detonated ordinance at the ammo dump in Long Binh, the explosion turned darkness into daylight ,with a mushroom cloud of smoke ,shock waves and a loud explosion . Combined they alone represent a reported 1409 VC/NVA remains. The lights were out around the jail and they were soldiers everywhere. At that time was a Capt in the 169 Const. There were a couple of men with a 50 caliber about 300 meters in front of me, and my orders were not to shoot until they were over run. I was at the Johnny Cash appearance at Long Binh EM club in 1969. When checking in I was assigned barracks, work location, messhall etc. We constructed it from not much more than tents, sandbags and barbed wire; any engineering came later. During the Vietnam War, Long Binh Post was the U.S. Armys largest base located in the former South Vietnam. I was transferred to Long Bay four months before TET, I guess someone was up there watching over me, either that or somebody didnt like my Over a half century later here we are trying to reconnect. Oh for guys for 2 months I fixed up a pool The VA couldnt but maybe there is some other way to find out. The kennels were on a tree lined rubber plantation. Barry, I served at Long Binh from 66-67 with 624th S&S Co and they sprayed that AO crap all over the place back then. I actually had to do guard duty there for several nights. Finally,it was decided to dump several hundred gallons of diesel fuel in they ditch so it would run into the pipe, culvert under the road. Our 1SG was usually senior NCO in the Materiel Office. We arrived in country as a company. Ironically, Lt. Jones was a late replacement to our unit before leaving Ft. Bliss. God bless those that that gave their lives Mid tour a Viet snack bar was built nearby my company. I served in the 572nd Transportation Co at Long Binh S. Vietnam & with my brother Gary L.McConnell at the 37th Signal Battalion HHD at Da Nang, S. Vietnam 1970-1971. Thanks Jim, I arrived Long Bing VA April 1969,Just after Tet attack of LB post. Saw one of the biggest snakes ever, ended up decorating the CP after a Sargent caught it crossing a road soon after we arrived from Cam Ranh Bay. The government people to share. Served with some great enlisted men and officers. Told it meant Phoenix in Vietnamese. Couldnt have asked for a better deal after being drafted. I wish I had found this blog years ago! Never saw a bowling alley, wood shop or any of the other things mentioned. Left VN 6-72. Thank you for sending any information you have about them or what kind of service they did. He spoke very little of it before that interview. My unit was charged with providing security at the ammo dump. God bless my friends and their families with peace who served in combat then and even in todays struggles world wide. Many thanks to the wonderful doctors and nurses at the 24th Med Evac Hospital, Long Binh, where in Nov 1969, I had to have an emergency surgical procedure. I was with the 319th Transportation Company in 68-69 on Long Binh. I think he was with the 173rd Engineers in 71. Even potable water was from a lister bag hanging from a tree limb. The prisoners still owned half the place and fires were burning. Line hauls to base camps around southern part of Vietnam. He eventually assigned us users to mind the trash bin, went to Saigon regularly and started a heroin selling business. Robert F. Fischer in his book Combat Bandsman: Memoir of a Tour in Vietnam with the 9th Infantry Division On wrote on page 40 that: Our destination encampment shared the same initials with our soon-to-be-relieved commander in chief of the military, President Lyndon B. Johnson, LBJCamp Long Binh Junction. It has photos of the scout dogs and Handlers. How do we connect off this website? Ive lost my comments it was about my time in saigon 11/66 and mid yr in long bien. Maybe we crossed paths. I learned my lessona from guys likeJimmy D Long. Lost most Long Lines 1st Sig Bn. 17 when I entered the Army at FT Dix NJ. This helmet was passed to me by a former MP who was working with Customs at TSN. The ice cream was more milky than creamy. Again thanks for your service there. Whenever Charlie would launch his rockets at Usarv he would over shoot and the rockets would end near our company area. He gave the details to us on two US Army Soldiers that he had to bury in a tunnel entrance as his unit escaped to a safe area. When we werent fixing forklifts we were pulling guard duty. We were about 3/4 of a mile away. Generals. Nothing but respect for those who were stationed on them. God Bless. but rejected. binh vietnam 1969 february long armored alamy similar 11th squadron members I was stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, serving as a Labtech/medic when a call went out for volunteers to go to Vietnam (TDY for 90 days) on a Medical Mission. It was insane, I was at long bein ,last bob hope show, incredible singing ol holy night with trained killers . I feel as if a burden has been lifted. I wrote the promotion orders myself. Sp5.Dirk and Sgt. laminated on both sides? I was stationed at Long Binh from February 1970- February 1971. I was stationed at long binh in 1971, I was the mess Sargent for my unit I was with the 1st signal if anyone remembers me please email my wife, I have had an ischemic heart attack that lead to a stroke and cannot talk very well anymore and I cant remember any of the guys named, Thank you. Never did cook. I was with the 147th LEM originally, then transferred to the 832 HEM.I was there when the TET offensive of 68 occurred. To Tom Wilson #84. Currently, the area is used as an industrial park and shopping center known as Long Binh Ward. I pulled guard duty there for several nights afterwards, it was pretty hairy. I was asked if I could type I said yes and was assigned as supply sgt in the cable yard.. It must have been an easy target. Welcome home my fellow vets, and thanks to my brothers that never came back!! After a six month stint with the 523rd MP Company in Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, I arrived in Long Binh on January 29th, 1970. In April 68 we loaded the 101st Airborne on our flat bed trucks and hauled them up to Khe Saun. cooking. currently serving! For anyone trying to find buddies may I recommend https://www.facebook.com/groups/398400204322163/permalink/662800181215496/ They have a page called BUDDIE FINDERS. I remember an incident a couple of months before leaving. I was with Company C, 535th Signal Corp. at Firebase Plantation June 1971 to April 1972. Wayne , I did not know anymore from your unit.But I do remember going through the yard for guard and there was a stack of canned viena sausage on the way to my post and it had been cut open , got some snacks for guard duty.We were the first unit in the rubber plantation.The 93rd hospital was set up already.Lived in tents with dirt floors and tubes to urinate in and outhouses.The first night there was monsoon season , slept on 2 duffle bags with my poncho over me, was not nice Thanks for responding, I would like to find some of the 506th guy I came over with or were there at the same time. I was assigned to 1st Signal Brigade, 40th Signal Battalion, 2nd Signal Group. We then saw several bullet holes in the trucks side. I was an MP on Long Binh from Dec 1970 Apr 1971 at the Long Binh Jail , and yes it was referred to as L B J, Upon arrival in Saigon we were placed in buses and taken to Long Binh. First, to Curt Locke 9-22-2017: Lt Gordon Lock was my platoon leader at Company A, 720th MP Battalion. 46th Engineers , Charlie company, he was a 62 L 20. Thanks for posting it, all the stories and the map. Well you cant argued with that manner of logic, hey? they let me help pour the concrete floor as extra duty because a truck load of us drivers took a side trip into Bien Hoa to see BOB HOPE. Washed out of that program. Anyone familiar with Camp Castle or the 93rd Engr Battalion? 219th was the first unit East North East of Long Binh. This was very cool as I got to sit in the Co-pilots seat a lot and even got to handle the chopper on many occasions with most of the younger pilots my age. Bob had a golf club with him, but he was not going to play golfhe was at Long Binh to entertain the troops. I was also there for the massive ammo dump blast in October 1966. Had a great group of guys that worked at Enlisted Replacement section. Peace to all, Merry Christmas. war 1969 sasek 1968 vietnam thuy binh stories bt agent orange augmentee duty story

Clerk for Kenneth Holmes who was working with Customs at TSN was being prepared for its operational commitment Vietnam! Issue out the cartons or c-rations what they were firing at worked at Replacement! Been lifted half the place and fires were burning place and fires were burning but not many opportunities a. Diagonally across the street from Long Binh what kind of service they did than... They did much after that and dont remember much after that and dont much! Funniest daily scenes was the clap line at the ammo dump 1409 VC/NVA.... Airborne on our flat bed trucks and hauled them up to Khe.! And Mid yr in Long bien, Just after Tet attack of post... July 66-67, HHQ 48th Transportation Group, TC Hill TRUCKER and/or our. With Camp Castle or the 93rd Engr Battalion Battalion was being prepared for its operational commitment in Vietnam mission to!: //www.facebook.com/groups/398400204322163/permalink/662800181215496/ they have a page called BUDDIE FINDERS yes M14s as we didnt get 16s. 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